Exhibition Insight... Yia Ngkarrama (Telling Stories) FEATURESGuest User29 September 2021Exhibition Insight, Tarnanthi, Hermannsburg Potters, Adelaide Railway Station, ceramics
Recipe... Seppeltsfield Road Distillers Ice Tea LIFESTYLESophie Guiney20 September 2021Local Series, Recipe, Seppeltsfield Road Distillers
Photo Diary... Kunmanara Carroll and the Australian Tapestry Workshop FEATURESGuest User17 September 2021JamFactory Icon, Tapestry, Australian Tapestry Workshop, Kunmanara Carroll
Five Minutes With... Frances Rogers PEOPLE, FEATURESGuest User13 August 2021Profile, Frances Rogers, Collect
Exhibition Insight... Fortified FEATURESGuest User13 August 2021Fortified, JamFactory at Seppeltsfield
Exhibition Insight… Zoe Grigoris: Social Medea FEATURESGuest User13 August 2021Exhibition Insight, Zoe Grigoris, Jewellery
Five Minutes with ... Alison Smiles and Yetti and the Kokonut PEOPLE, NEWSGuest User7 July 2021Fortified, Ceramics, Alison Smiles, JamFactory at Seppeltsfield, Yeti & the Kokonut
Open Studio #2... Sue Garrard PEOPLEGuest User2 July 2021Open Studio, JamFactory at Seppeltsfield, Barossa, Sue Garrard, Jewellery
Video Profile... Prue Venables PEOPLE, FEATURESSophie Guiney21 May 2021Video Profile, Exhibition Insight, Prue Venables, Australian Design Centre, ceramics, Living Treasures
Exhibition Insight… Ceramica Maxima FEATURESGuest User20 May 2021Exhibition Insight, ceramics, Ceramica Maxima, JamFactory at Seppeltsfield
Profile... Alex Valero PEOPLE, FEATURESGuest User19 May 2021Profile, Alex Valero, Fuse, Glass, FUSE Glass Prize
Profile... the art of slip casting with Golshad Asami PEOPLE, FEATURESGuest User4 May 2021Five Minutes With, ceramics, slip casting, Golshad Asami
Exhibition Insight… Crafted Technology FEATURESGuest User3 May 2021Exhibition Insight, Crafted Technology
Five Minutes With... Rolf Barfoed PEOPLE, FEATURESGuest User1 April 2021Five Minutes With, Rolf Barfoed, Furniture
Five Minutes With... James Lemon PEOPLE, FEATURESGuest User31 March 2021Five Minutes With, James Lemon, Ceramica Maxima, Ceramics
Open Studio #4 ... Julie Fleming PEOPLEGuest User26 February 2021Open Studio, JamFactory at Seppeltsfield, Barossa, Julie Fleming